A quick introduction: new reinforcement at the Thesis Hub THSW

Ilse on the beach

A very warm welcome to our new student assistant Ilse Rink!

After Marnix's departure, Ilse has recently started as a student assistant of the Thesis Hub The Hague Southwest. She is going to support the coordinator Mandy Koenraads in the daily activities of the Thesis Workshop - a collaboration between the Municipality of The Hague, LDE GMD, undergraduate and graduate students. We are extremely happy to have her so a brief introduction is in order!

Ilse Rink is now in the final phase of her studies in Public Administration (specialization: economics, governance and management) at Leiden University. Ilse herself wrote her thesis in cooperation with Rutgers Sexual Expertise Centre. She investigated the influence of a change in the Dutch high school curriculum on the sexual health of young adults in the Netherlands.

Ilse, what are you most looking forward to while working at the thesis workshop?

"Connecting our students to the city! It's so nice when scientific research is done that can directly affect individuals and their living conditions. That positive impact, is what I hope to contribute to a little bit."

After various communications roles and a PR internship at Fitzgerald in Amsterdam, Ilse will thus be joining us at the thesis workshop in the coming year. You are bound to run into her at Campus The Hague or in The Hague Southwest. With the new cohort that has started in February 2024, she is in luck because the coming months a lot is going to happen around the thesis workshop!